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Hybrid Coffee (Coffea arabica L) Plantlet Production via Indirect Somatic Embryogenesis in Ethiopia: Current Statue and Future Direction

Published in Plant (Volume 12, Issue 4)
Received: 13 August 2024     Accepted: 9 September 2024     Published: 18 October 2024
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Traditional hybrid coffee propagation methods using seed or vegetative cuttings has tremendous limitations. Seed propagation is associated with hand pollination which is time consuming and need large number of skilled labor. On the other hand, vegetative cuttings ensure uniformity, but; cuttings generate relatively low multiplication rates as they can only be obtained from orthotropic branches. Multiplication by tissue culture techniques could provide a best alternative to these traditional methods of coffee propagation as it allowed the production of relatively uniform plantlets on a large scale in a shorter period in any climatic condition. Among tissue culture techniques, indirect somatic embryogenesis of hybrid coffee plays substantial role in rapid industrial scale multiplication of high valued varities. Research on somatic embryogenesis of C. arabica hybrid has been conducted since the late 70s with the objectives to substitute the conventional vegetative propagation of selected varieties. In Ethiopia, in vitro propagation of hybrid coffee is recent phenomenon and research on indirect somatic embryogenesis is already well underway by different research groups. Here, we discussed the current status of coffee research on somatic embryogenesis in general and specifically, we provide recommendations for future research for the establishment of mass propagation protocol for F1 hybrids varities in Ethiopia that utilized wild endogenous lines.

Published in Plant (Volume 12, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/j.plant.20241204.11
Page(s) 87-94
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


Indirect Somatic Embryogenesis, Hybrid Coffee, Somatic Embryo, Mass Propagation, C. arabica L

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  • APA Style

    Gebremariam, E. (2024). Hybrid Coffee (Coffea arabica L) Plantlet Production via Indirect Somatic Embryogenesis in Ethiopia: Current Statue and Future Direction. Plant, 12(4), 87-94.

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    ACS Style

    Gebremariam, E. Hybrid Coffee (Coffea arabica L) Plantlet Production via Indirect Somatic Embryogenesis in Ethiopia: Current Statue and Future Direction. Plant. 2024, 12(4), 87-94. doi: 10.11648/j.plant.20241204.11

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    AMA Style

    Gebremariam E. Hybrid Coffee (Coffea arabica L) Plantlet Production via Indirect Somatic Embryogenesis in Ethiopia: Current Statue and Future Direction. Plant. 2024;12(4):87-94. doi: 10.11648/j.plant.20241204.11

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  • @article{10.11648/j.plant.20241204.11,
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      abstract = {Traditional hybrid coffee propagation methods using seed or vegetative cuttings has tremendous limitations. Seed propagation is associated with hand pollination which is time consuming and need large number of skilled labor. On the other hand, vegetative cuttings ensure uniformity, but; cuttings generate relatively low multiplication rates as they can only be obtained from orthotropic branches. Multiplication by tissue culture techniques could provide a best alternative to these traditional methods of coffee propagation as it allowed the production of relatively uniform plantlets on a large scale in a shorter period in any climatic condition. Among tissue culture techniques, indirect somatic embryogenesis of hybrid coffee plays substantial role in rapid industrial scale multiplication of high valued varities. Research on somatic embryogenesis of C. arabica hybrid has been conducted since the late 70s with the objectives to substitute the conventional vegetative propagation of selected varieties. In Ethiopia, in vitro propagation of hybrid coffee is recent phenomenon and research on indirect somatic embryogenesis is already well underway by different research groups. Here, we discussed the current status of coffee research on somatic embryogenesis in general and specifically, we provide recommendations for future research for the establishment of mass propagation protocol for F1 hybrids varities in Ethiopia that utilized wild endogenous lines.
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Hybrid Coffee (Coffea arabica L) Plantlet Production via Indirect Somatic Embryogenesis in Ethiopia: Current Statue and Future Direction
    AU  - Elyas Gebremariam
    Y1  - 2024/10/18
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    AB  - Traditional hybrid coffee propagation methods using seed or vegetative cuttings has tremendous limitations. Seed propagation is associated with hand pollination which is time consuming and need large number of skilled labor. On the other hand, vegetative cuttings ensure uniformity, but; cuttings generate relatively low multiplication rates as they can only be obtained from orthotropic branches. Multiplication by tissue culture techniques could provide a best alternative to these traditional methods of coffee propagation as it allowed the production of relatively uniform plantlets on a large scale in a shorter period in any climatic condition. Among tissue culture techniques, indirect somatic embryogenesis of hybrid coffee plays substantial role in rapid industrial scale multiplication of high valued varities. Research on somatic embryogenesis of C. arabica hybrid has been conducted since the late 70s with the objectives to substitute the conventional vegetative propagation of selected varieties. In Ethiopia, in vitro propagation of hybrid coffee is recent phenomenon and research on indirect somatic embryogenesis is already well underway by different research groups. Here, we discussed the current status of coffee research on somatic embryogenesis in general and specifically, we provide recommendations for future research for the establishment of mass propagation protocol for F1 hybrids varities in Ethiopia that utilized wild endogenous lines.
    VL  - 12
    IS  - 4
    ER  - 

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